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Tapa del libro Essential Movements

Essential Movements

A new way of being and acting in life

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Autor: Boatti, Claudia

Origen: -

Editorial: ME

ISBN: 978-987-88-9283-2

Origen: -

$ 42395.99 Icono bolsa

42.40 U$S 47.11

We are all familiar with the many wise theories about how we ought to behave on these paths of spiritual growth.But how can we live in harmony and coherence with these teachings? What's stopping us? What helps us to make it work?I wrote this book out of a profound desire to share the insights and knowledge that I have gained about how to live as befits our luminous potential. In a practical way that can be applied independently to our daily lives.It's not just about saying the words, but as Gandhi said, about being the change that we want to see in the world, in life.

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